April Torres

April D. Torres, RN was born and raised in South Louisiana in the United States. She is the President and Founder of EDS Louisiana, Inc. She worked as a hospice nurse but now volunteers her time advocating, educating, and bringing help and hope to the many who are affected by a greatly under-recognized Connective-Tissues disorder. She is the mother 6 children, 3 grown, and 3 school-aged.  She has been married to her husband for 16 years. Her message is one of survival, faith, forgiveness, hope, and persistence.

April is passionate about helping those who are affected by Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and related conditions. She realizes the urgency and the need for awareness within the medical community as well as the schools. She is committed to helping with the educating of medical personnel and school teachers, especially P.E. teachers, to be able to identify signs and symptoms of these conditions in children.
Throughout her life she struggled, never understanding why she had so many unexplainable, debilitating symptoms. In March of 2019, she finally received answers and was officially diagnosed with Hypermobile EDS, Dysautonomia, and  POTS in Houston, Texas. She is committed to building a team of support to bring awareness and support to Louisiana residents and medical professionals. She hopes to inspire other states to do the same.

April is a newly published author of a book she wrote about her own challenges and experiences, entitled, “God Is Hilarious: My Rescue Story”. In her book she shares the reasons why she is so passionate about setting up support for others with these conditions.